Accounting Learning Outcomes, Learning Cycle ModelAbstract
The problems that exist in this study are (1) accounting learning outcomes for students in class XI Accounting are still low, (2) students' lack of interest in accounting learning (3) students are less actively involved in accounting learning so that the results of accounting learning are less than optimal. achieved by students. This study aims to determine the activities of increasing student learning by applying the learning cycle learning method to class XI students at SMK Palapa Bandar Lampung for the academic year 2021/2022. This research is a classroom action research (CAR) conducted in two (2) cycle stages by applying the Learning Cycle learning method to class XI students at SMK Palapa Bandar Lampung with a total of 14 students. Based on the minimum completeness (KKM) accounting students are said to have achieved learning mastery if they reach a value of 75, while data analysis measures students' learning activities with observation sheets. The results showed that the activeness of students from cycle I to cycle II increased from 6.95 with the criteria of being less active in the first cycle and increased to 7.67 with the active criteria in the second cycle. Increased mastery of student learning outcomes in the first cycle with the percentage of the number of students who completed as many as 7 (50%) and in the second cycle it became 12 (85.75%) students who completed a total of 14 students. Based on this analysis, learning activities using the Learning Cycle learning method in accounting can improve the learning outcomes of class XI students at SMK Palapa Bandar Lampung.
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