Development, Quartet Card Media, Flat Building MaterialAbstract
The problems in this research are 1) Most educators only rely on one book, for example by using textbooks as a learning resource 2) Students feel bored and fed up with learning that only uses textbooks 3) Lack of variety in the use of learning media in lesson material Mathematics. This research aims to develop quartet card media that can be used in the learning process on plane material. The research method used is R&D (research and development) and through the ADDIE development procedure which consists of Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation. Product validation was completed by a material expert validator who stated that the quartet card media product developed obtained a percentage result of 94% with the interpretation criteria "Very Feasible", Then the media expert validation results stated that the developed quartet card media product obtained a percentage of 93% with the interpretation criteria are "Very Feasible", and the validation results by linguists obtained a percentage value of 83% with the interpretation criteria "Very Feasible". Meanwhile, the results of the assessment by educator respondents obtained a percentage score of 90% with the interpretation criteria "Very Interesting" and student respondents in the small group trial obtained a percentage score of 82%, with the interpretation criteria "Very Interesting" and in the Field Trial obtained a percentage score of 92% with the interpretation criteria "Very Interesting". Developing Quartet Card Media with Flat Shape Material for Class IV Students at Tunggal Warga Bandar Lampung Elementary School using the Research and Development (R&D) Research Method, it can be concluded that the use of quartet card media with flat shape material is very feasible and effective for use as learning media.
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