Project Based Learning, IPA LKPD, Research & DevelopmentAbstract
This study aims to develop a worksheet product which is felt to be very much needed in learning so that it attracts students' learning interest and the development of this worksheet uses a 4D model consisting of define, design, develop and disseminate. dissemination) and the results of this development are motivated by the unavailability of project-based learning worksheets in science subjects. The teaching materials used only use theme books and MRT books (Integrated Brief Method) which are circulated by the Ministry of Education and Culture, so that teaching and learning activities in class are still not very varied. LKPD is important to use because it makes it very easy for educators to carry out learning in class, for students it will help learn more independently and in groups and carry out a written assignment. This Project Based Learning helps students to carry out activities in order to achieve attitude, knowledge and skill competencies. In addition to learning, students understand something but can also produce meaningful and useful products. Based on the research results, it was obtained that the validation of material experts was 91% with the criteria of "Very Eligible". The validation results of media experts are 89% with the criteria of "Very Eligible". The results of the validation by linguists were 88% with the "Very Eligible" criteria. Small group trials (Pre-test and Post-test) which resulted in an average pre-test score of 60.7 and 87.7 post-test. Field trials obtained an average value of 88% with the "Very Interesting" criteria. The results of the teacher's response obtained an average result of 95% with the "Very Interesting" criteria. Science worksheet products based on project based learning Science Class VI subjects can be used as additional teaching materials by educators in the learning process in class so that they are more varied, and can be distributed properly to Grade VI students.
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