Cooperative Learning Model Investigation group type, Learning Activities, Social Studies Learning OutcomesAbstract
The problems that existed in the study were 1) the interaction between students and teachers was not optimal, 2) the learning used was not varied and 3) social studies learning outcomes were still low. This study aims to determine the increase in social studies activity and learning outcomes through the group investigation cooperative learning model in grade 4 students at SDN 1 Beringin Raya Kemiling. This research is a Classroom Action Research (PTK) which consists of 2 cycles in which each cycle contains a series of activities, each of which consists of 4 stages, namely planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. The research subjects were 4C class students, totaling 30 students. Classroom Action Research (CAR) uses data collection methods, namely written tests, observation sheets and documentation. Data analysis was carried out by comparing the activity scores and social studies learning outcomes for each cycle with marked increases obtained which were analyzed both qualitatively and quantitatively. Mastery learning outcomes in this study is to achieve the acquisition of a percentage of 80% of the total number of students and the average student activity score each cycle has increased. The results showed that 1) student activity increased from an average of 7.11 (quite active) in cycle I to 7.95 (active) in cycle II, where an increase in score was obtained from cycle I to cycle II of 0.84. 2) student learning outcomes achieved an average score of 69.83 in cycle I and increased to 75.83 in cycle II, where an increase in the average score of learning outcomes was obtained by 6. Student completeness also increased where in cycle I the percentage of 60% and cycle II of 86.67%, which obtained an increase in the percentage of learning completeness from cycle I to cycle II of 26.67%. So it can be concluded that learning by applying the group investigation cooperative learning model can increase the activity and social studies learning outcomes of class 4 students at SDN 1 Beringin Raya Kemiling.
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