The Role of Indische Vereeniging, History of the National MovementAbstract
This study aims to increase knowledge about the role of the Indische Vereeniging Organization in the history of the national movement in 1908-1928. Indische Vereeniging is an organization that accommodates all ethnic groups, tribes and groups. In addition, Indische Vereeniging plays an active role in fighting for independence in the international world in order to bring Indonesia's problems to international forums. Indische Vereeniging is also inseparable from the dynamics of every era in Indonesia, including the Portuguese, Spanish, Dutch, British and Japanese occupations. This research is a type of qualitative research with historical methods. special research methods used in historical research through certain stages. This method has 4 steps: 1. Heuristics 2. Criticism 3. Interpretation 4. Historiography. The data collection technique is the library method which is used to dig up information and to obtain data sources obtained from libraries and book sources from the history of Indische Vereeniging and others. And also using historical data analysis techniques that emphasize not numbers but their form in writing. The results of this study are Indische Vereeniging fosters a sense of awareness of the importance of freedom from colonialism, instills a sense of brotherhood and fights for independence through international forums and also has the principle of non-cooperation, self-halp. In the PI struggle from the colonial period to the present. From the Portuguese, Spanish, Dutch, British colonial times to Japanese colonialism.
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