
  • M. Iqbal Padwa N STKIP PGRI Bandar Lampung
  • Dharlinda Suri Damiri STKIP PGRI Bandar Lampung
  • Riska Puspita Sari STKIP PGRI Bandar Lampung


off task behavior, operant conditioning, group counseling


The main problem taken in this study is whether off-task behavior in students can change after participating in operant conditioninggroup counseling services which is lower than before participating in operant conditioning group counseling services. The purpose of this research is to explain how effective is the application of operant conditioning group counseling with the aim of reducing the habit of off task behavior in students. As for the various off-task behaviors, some of them are enjoying themselves and joking with their friends, making noise, going in and out of class, not paying attention when the teacher is giving lessons and unmotivated to learn.Another cause of students doing off task behavior consists of several factors, namely internal factors and external factors. Internal factors include school adaptation and difficulties in participating in learning. While the external factors that underlie the emergence of students' off-task behavior are the influence of friends and the lack of attention from the teacher. There are several handling efforts that can be done by the counselor, including reprimanding or reminding by giving advice, namely with the aim of dealing with off-task behavior by students. Apart from that, the counselor collaborates with homeroom teachers and subject teachers by applying operant conditioning theory using the reinforcement and punishment technique. The obstacles faced by counselors are the limitations of providing direct group counseling services and it is still difficult to control the attitudes of high school students and they still need help from homeroom teachers and subject teachers.


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How to Cite

Padwa N, M. I. ., Suri Damiri, D. ., & Puspita Sari, R. (2023). PENERAPAN KONSELING KELOMPOK TEKNIK OPERANT CONDITIONING UNTUK MENGURANGI PERILAKU OFF TASK SISWA SMA NEGERI 1 NATAR. Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Bimbingan Konseling (JIMBK), 5(2), 271–290. Retrieved from