Self Efficacy, Konseling RealitasAbstract
Self-efficacy is a belief and expectation regarding an individual's ability to deal with it. Self-efficacy affects motivation, tenacity in facing the difficulties of a task, and learning achievement. This study aims to determine the increase in Self Efficacy in Biling students through reality counseling. The method used in this research is Guidance and Counseling Action Research (PTBK) regarding increasing the self-efficacy of Community Development students through reality counseling. The sample in this study amounted to 14 students. In this study, the authors used questionnaire techniques and interview techniques. In determining the sample, researchers used a purposive sampling technique. Based on the results of the adoption of reality counseling, it is known that the Self-Efficacy of students at the beginning of the meeting (pre-cycle) was 17 students (54.84%), after the implementation of Cycle 1 it increased to 24 students (77.42%) and after the implementation of Cycle 2 it increased again to 31 students (100%)., So it can be concluded that researchers have succeeded in increasing the Self-Efficacy of Community Development students (biling) through reality counseling services for class VII students of SMP Negeri 15 Bandar Lampung Lesson 2022/2023
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