Role Playing Techniques, Bullying in SchoolsAbstract
Abstract: In recent times, things often happen that are not wanted by students and even behavior that harms others. One of the behaviors that harm others is violence. Violence is something that most people fear. Both direct and indirect violence, both verbal and non-verbal violence. The most common form of violence in schools is bullying. The purpose of this study was to determine whether the application of the Role Playing technique could reduce bullying behavior in class VIII SMP Budaya Bandar Lampung. The method used by the researcher in this research is the Counseling Guidance Action Research (PTBK) method. The subjects in this study were class VIII students. In this study, researchers used role playing techniques as a medium to reduce bullying behavior to students who have related indications. The results of the research that have been carried out show that the application of role playing techniques can reduce bullying behavior in students at school in class VIII SMP Budaya Bandar Lampung.
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