Use of audio visual media, math problemAbstract
Audio Visual Media is a learning media that combines sound with images in the form of video, so that in the learning process it takes advantage of the use of projectors or other hardware in the learning process so that learning is more interesting and not boring. The research examines problems related to the mathematical problem-solving ability of students in XI grade of SMK Trisakti Jaya Bandar Lampung which is still not optimal. The purpose of the research was to know the effect of using Audio-Visual media on the mathematical problem-solving ability of Trisakti Jaya Bandar Lampung in XI grade students in the academic year 2021/2022. Experimental research with a population of all students of class XI SMK Trisakti Jaya Bandar Lampung in the academic year 2021/2022 and the sample was two classes, XI grade of Online Management and Marketing, consist of 24 students as the experimental class and XI grade of Office Management consist of 27 students as the control class. The sample was taken using the Total Sampling technique. The measurement of the variables used a test in the form of an essay consisting of five questions which were first tested for validity and reliability. Analysis of the data used to test the hypothesis is using the t-test. From the results of testing the hypothesis by using the formula the value of = 3.69. From the t distribution table at a significant level of 5%, it is known that = 1.68 means that > is 3.69> 1.68 so it can be concluded that "the average mathematical problem-solving ability using Audio-Visual media is higher than the class that applies conventional model in XI grade in the first Semester SMK Trisakti Jaya Bandar Lampung Academic Year 2021/2022.
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