development, LKPD, ethnomathematics, tapis lampungAbstract
The research aims to: (1) produce Ethnomathematical-based LKPD products with the tapis Lampung motif for grade VII SMP, (2) improve the problem solving abilities of seventh grade students using Ethnomathematics-based LKPD with tapis Lampung motifs. This type of research is development research. The stages in the research are analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. Product validation is carried out by 6 expert lecturers in accordance with their fields. Then seen the practicality through the responses of class VII students of SMP Negeri 20 Bandar Lampung in learning to use LKPD products. The results of material expert validation on the aspects of the suitability of the material with KD, material accuracy, image accuracy, material order, and ethnomathematics aspects with the average value of all aspects of 3.74 with valid criteria. Validation of media experts both in the aspects of cover design, material, illustrations or images and attractiveness obtained an average value of 3.66 with quite valid criteria. The validation of linguists on aspects of sentence structure accuracy, understanding of messages and information obtained an average value of 3.03 with valid criteria. After using the LKPD, the problem-solving ability has increased, this can be seen from the results of the post-test conducted to 30 students who achieved the criteria for problem-solving ability with good criteria of 77%. Thus the Ethnomathematics-based LKPD with the tapis Lampung motif on the material of rectangles and triangles for class VII is feasible to be used as teaching material.
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