
  • Elsa Nefri Ramadani STKIP PGRI Bandar Lampung
  • Buang Saryantono STKIP PGRI Bandar Lampung
  • Arinta Rara Kirana STKIP PGRI Bandar Lampung


Development, Learning Media, Ispring Suite


This study aims to: (1) develop and determine the feasibility of learning media using the Ispring Suite for class VIII junior high school students on the material of flat side space in terms of media validity, and (2) determine the effectiveness of learning media using the Ispring Suite for class VIII junior high school students. On the material of the flat side of the building in terms of student learning outcomes, the attractiveness and practicality of the media. This type of research is development research. The stages in the research are analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. The validation of learning media is carried out by 6 expert lecturers who are competent in their fields. Then the learning media was tested on class VIII students of SMP Kartika II Bandar Lampung, and then the responses of students and teachers were seen through a questionnaire. The results of material validation on aspects of material relevance, material organization, language, and evaluation aspects (quiz) obtained a value of 4.09 with valid criteria. Media validation in all aspects including visual display, software engineering, language, images, video, animation and audio as well as aspects of effects for learning strategies obtained a value of 4.59 with valid criteria. Language validation on the aspects of straight for wardness, communicativeness, conformity with student development, conformity with language rules, and aspects of the use of terms, symbols, or icons obtained a value of 4.06 with valid criteria. After using the developed learning media, students' learning mastery is in the high category with the achievement of classical mastery of 78%. In addition, the results of student responses show interesting learning media with an average achievement of 4.70 and practical according to the teacher with an average achievement of 4.92. Thus the learning media using the Ispring Suite in the form of an android application is suitable for use as a learning medium.


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How to Cite

Nefri Ramadani, E. ., Saryantono, B. ., & Rara Kirana, A. . (2022). PENGEMBANGAN MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN MENGGUNAKAN ISPRING SUITE BAGI SISWA KELAS VIII SEKOLAH MENENGAH PERTAMA. Jurnal Mahasiswa Pendidikan Matematika (JMPM), 4(1), 123–134. Retrieved from