
  • Septiyani Septiyani STKIP PGRI Bandar Lampung
  • Joko Sutrisno AB STKIP PGRI Bandar Lampung
  • Fitriana Rahmawati STKIP PGRI Bandar Lampung


missouri mathematics project, mathematical problem solving


The problems faced in this study relate to mathematical problem solving abilities that are less than optimal, therefore the purpose of this study is to determine the effect of the Missouri mathematics project (MMP) learning model on the mathematical problem solving abilities of eighth grade students in the even semester of UPT SMP Negeri 33 Bandar Lampung academic year 2021/2022. This research is an experimental study with a research population of all students of class VIII UPT SMP Negeri 33 Bandar Lampung and a sample of 2 classes, namely class VIII.A as the experimental class totaling 28 students, and class VIII.B as the control class totaling 30 students. The sample was taken using the Cluster Random Sampling technique with a lottery procedure. The effect of the treatment given is seen with a mathematical problem solving ability test in the form of an essay as many as 5 questions that have been tested for validity and reliability. The data analysis technique of the research results to test the hypothesis using the t test. From the results of hypothesis testing obtained thit = 5,30. From the t distribution table at a significant level of 5%, it is known that tdaf = = 1,67 meaning   which is , so it can be concluded that "There is an influence on the Missouri Mathematics Project learning model (MMP) on the mathematical problem solving abilities of class VIII even semester UPT SMP Negeri 33 Bandar Lampung for the academic year 2021/2022". This situation is also seen from the average value of students' mathematics learning outcomes where the experimental class has an average value of 77,71 and the control class has an average value of 63,6.


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2022-06-24 — Updated on 2023-02-07


How to Cite

Septiyani, S., Sutrisno AB, J. ., & Rahmawati, F. . (2023). PENGARUH MODEL PEMBELAJARAN MISSOURI MATHEMATICS PROJECT (MMP) TERHADAP KEMAMPUAN PEMECAHAN MASALAH MATEMATIS SISWA KELAS VIII SEMESTER GENAP UPT SMP NEGERI 33 BANDAR LAMPUNG TAHUN PELAJARAN 2021/2022. Jurnal Mahasiswa Pendidikan Matematika (JMPM), 4(1), 11–22. Retrieved from (Original work published June 24, 2022)